1,106+ Wins From
Our Best Clients

We’re obsessed with helping our clients get real, tangible, and measurable results that grow their business.

All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results.  Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.


First $10K High ticket Closing out of 6 Booked appointments through FB Ads spent of $600


#RingTheBell first new project sale as an SWS member today, with 3 more proposals out. I will close those suckers next week.

All from organic leads who raised their hands after I offered new SWS-inspired case study to names in my database.

The fun part is that I’m doing EVERYTHING with the goal of never doing it again.

Every key step and process is being documented to create an SOP.

This will be a fun ride.


Launched brand new everything this past week and have sold over $55k+ through IG stories
Collected just under $40k
Shout out to the SWS team for the constant lightning fast feedback needed on all ends to help build the vision at this pace 📈
Now to get my peoples amazing results which we’re really looking forward to and geeking about
No better feeling than to get paid to do what you love!


$186K collected in first 18 days of May (20K+ on Paypal), with ZERO ad spend at 80% margins! ⁣
Just wanted to give a MASSIVE shoutout to Ravi Abuvala and Raj Dua for this community and program. THIS STUFF WORKS!⁣
⁣My business has allowed me to move into my dream 6000 sq ft home, and get my dream car (Bmw i8) this month.⁣
I’ve been SUPER quiet in this group for past few months, I’ve actually just been utilizing the systems and frameworks that are taught in the membership site that Ravi has been teaching…⁣
Here’s the top 3 lessons I’ve learned from Ravi and from personal experience along the way⁣⁣
Don’t be afraid to DOUBLE DOWN on organic marketing. In the past 3 months, I haven’t spent a single dollar on ads. I like to keep my margins lean, and after having a conversation with Dan Henry – he told me that if organic is working, just keep doing more of it! ⁣
I suspect that with organic FB/IG lead gen strategies, I’ll be able to get closer to $250-300K/month before moving into paid traffic.⁣
Systems are everything – Ravi Abuvala is the legend at this. Breaking past $100K/month can be done by hustling, just you and a VA. But if you want to break past, you need to build real infrastructure in your business, and this was really hammered home by Ravi in his course content.⁣
Lead Generation/Appointment setting should be done by INTRA-preneurs, not VAs. I used to have 2 VAs setting appointments for my business, but once I hired an American team member with amazing problem solving and western culture fit, we went from setting 5 sales calls per day to now 20-25 sales calls / day.⁣
Ravi – you are the MAN – thanks so much for all the help, hopefully I can be a good success story for you :)⁣
Scaling With Systems – Inner Circle


Launched brand new everything this past week and have sold over $55k+ through IG stories.

Collected just under $40k

Shout out to the SWS team for the constant lightning-fast feedback needed on all ends to help build the vision at this pace.

Now to get my people amazing results which we’re really looking forward to and geeking about.

No better feeling than to get paid to do what you love!


With the help of Ravi Abuvala Connor Bell
Raj Dua I closed my 1st 6month retainer contracts in two new and different niches in the same week 😳
Looking forward to building out this mechanism for a multitude of future clients.


Ring the bell.
Great way to end a week. 
Was waiting for this one to close for like a week.
I followed up, patiently (and without coming across needy or desperate).
LFG! 🚀⛽


Hey, shoutout to Ravi Abuvala — I loved the copywriting training in the Copy That Converts module.

One reason I’ve made millions for myself and my clients as a copywriter since 1998 is because I’m always hungry to learn new stuff.

I’ve paid up to $5,000 for one copywriting book by Gary Bencivenga, $5,000 for one live training with Gary Halbert, and I’m into Dan Kennedy for nearly $50,000 for his private trainings and courses …

…. but the copywriting module from SWS stacks up against all of them for the amount of value delivered per hour invested.

If you watch that module and do the work, you should crank out some really profitable copy.


BIIIG bell ring today!

After 15 minutes of IG messaging at 11 pm last night with the #9 agent in America by volume, closed a 5-figure deal for 3 houses my team’s shooting Monday and Tuesday in Beverly Hills.

This deal alone is tripling what we made all last month, big day and only the beginning with this client.

Everything else is automated now as far as the shooting/editing/delivery.

We just started month 4 in business. So stoked!


Welp. Its safe to say that this shit fucking works. been working the program for a grand total of 3 days and sold my 1st sale since joining just the way that Ravi says to. Granted, I’ve been selling for a LONG time, but still.
I talked about the same things that are in the program, I sold the transformation instead of the mechanism, and I got him to commit to the case study. Even though I have a few case studies, what going thru the 1st few modules is that I NEED MORE. So I leveraged that, and sold it for less than I should have but still. If I get this guy to where he is trying to go, “to melt his golden handcuffs” then I know he is going to give me a case study worth its weight in gold.
Lets keep it going, and keep ringing that fucking bell!


Anybody in here or know someone who generates leads for dumpster rental?
Just signed a guy with over 100 containers looking to take over the LA area…lmk…thanks in advance 🙏
Also this is a #RingTheBell as well shoutout to
Jake Queen for the sales coaching…I closed this guy over FaceTime yesterday haha 🛎


I can’t even believe this one. 🤷‍♂️
When it rains, it pours.
As you can see in the photo, I’m getting a car wash for the Benzo.
What do I see?
A random Messenger message request.
Who is it now?
Him: “I need your help with my store.”
Me: Oh? What’s the url?
Him: Sends it.
Me: I look – political tshirts! (Great space btw)
Me: How’s the store doing? (Thinking it’s going to be another store doing $10-20k/mo)
Him: “Not bad, only $115k last month. That was month one.”
Me: You should have had another $22-45k on top of that. We can get you there.
Him: “I’m ready. Let’s do it”
Me: Ok. I’ll send over agreements.
Me: It’s $x per month.
Him: “Sure. No problem. I already know you guys do great work. How soon can we get this live?”
I wish they were all like this.
When I worked in “wolf of wall street” brokerages in the 90’s …we’d call them “lay downs”.
Every so often you get them.
Easiest sale ever.
When you do, that’s when you know you’ve got your shit dialed in.
People are finding out from others in your space.
Makes the selling so much easier.
You can close deals, via Messenger, while getting a car wash. 🙂 — feeling blessed.


Ringing the bell 🔔🔔
(I am terrible at posting in here, always forget)🤦🏻‍♂
$15k deal. 50% paid just now, remaining 50% will be paid on completion.
This client is a coach and his program is currently not scalable due to the amount of time involvement from him on 1-1 calls. We are building out his course platform, click funnels and editing his video content 🚀
#RingTheBell #onlinecourse #clickfunnels #videoediting


March 2021 – $400 total revenue
April 2 – Joined SWS 3.0
April 18 – $103,500


Ring the Bell!!!

This past week I signed another client up for my Kings of Sparta Mastermind for $6k!

The first of many.

This was from cold outreach on LinkedIn with my VA and then 2 zoom calls.

Stay consistent with the process my friends.


I joined SWS fall 2020 – my business was at $0 and I only had the funds because my $2,500 unemployment payment hit my account while I was on the sales call with Connor Bell
I thought I knew what I was doing, didn’t really follow the system, always paid my VA late and was pretty much high off weed everyday while trying to run my “business”.
Fast forward to Spring 2021 – completely sober, spiritually aligned, fitness is on point (75 Hard), I pay my VA early; sometimes double (she’s literally the best thing since sliced bread 🤣).
And already revved $62k for the month.
The calendar is booked solid with prequalified sales calls and they keep coming in.
I can smell the six figure months! 😁
Thank you SWS!


🔔 Ring the bell – £3k sale – though was very lucky to have seen the Sales Funnels and Software Bootcamp modules before the discovery call.
Client desperately needs someone to help with Automating their manual sales processes, and we agreed on £3k to create the software ecosystem and zaps to connect them all.
I’ve never actually done this so aren’t sure of the level of work involved – would you say £3k is about the right price considering I’ve just signed up to Gohighlevel and have the training modules handy?


Do you agree with “sell before you create”? I used to disagree…
Then I did something pretty incredible.
Now, so you know…
We specialize in video editing and creating content for social media and we have always had a good rep for that, but…
We’ve only worked 1-on-1 with a handful of people to monetize social media (multiple 6-figures in 3 months), all of which are in different niches, and while we got these people great results 1-on-1, I was not confident in pitching a course.
I don’t know what my deal was.
But I’m here to say…
In just 48-hours, 4 brand-spankin’ new clients joined our Social Boost program to increase their awareness and scale their revenue.
I’m not posting this to brag, but rather say…
Ravi, Ruv-dog, lovey Ravi (as you like to be called), thank you so much for pushing me to do this. You’re “sell before you create” model works and I’m fired up to deliver an insane amount of value to these entrepreneurs over the next 3 months.
Social Media’s Secret Assasin,
Maxwell Müller
P.S. This is a screenshot from one of the clients paying with Bitcoin

P.S.S. Thank you Raj for telling me long ago that I should do this. Even that encouragement months ago still helped me make this decision 🔥
P.S.S.S. Check my story to learn more about monetizing your social media in the 3-month program


Shoutout to Ravi Abuvala and the SWS team!
We’ve been in SWS for about 9 weeks.
The VSL funnel has been running for about 5 week now and we’ve been averaging about $15K/week with zero cold ads and no VA so we are running 80%+ profit margins.
We got our VA on Monday – she has been outstanding so far!
She’s just getting started but in her first week, she has booked 7 meetings!
We ran 3 and closed 1 full-pay cash collected already! That’s a 41X ROI in one week.
(Other two disqualified and we are running Disco+Demo on the same call. Other 4 are this week)
A few things that I think has helped aside from obviously a well-trained SWS VA:
Set up your SOP’s before they start. Give them clear step-by-step instructions.
I took the time to break down step-by-step exactly how to scrape leads, personalize, and use Close to send the emails.
I also recorded videos as well showing the step-by-step. All of this was loaded into Asana so it’s crystal clear.
Set up all templates and frameworks before they start.
This ties into number one. Make it so black-and-white so they are set up for success.
You can see my email results from the week – templates make it a plug and play for the VA.
Set up time to train them.
On Day 1, we blocked out 3 hours to train BEFORE she even scraped or sent a single email.
I walked through my exact expectations that I had mapped out in Asana and every single SOP.
I made sure she walked away knowing EXACTLY what to do, how to do it, and WHY it’s done a specific way.
Be responsive in communication
Whether it’s Slack, Whatsapp, Telegram, etc. I’m quite responsive especially in the first 30 days as this helps instill the core habits we need for success.
Cloud knows that I’ll respond within 2 hours during business hours. This helps her trust me that I will set her up to be successful.
Empower Them
It’s also been key to let her know that I WANT her to bring new ideas to the table.
She has past experiences that can help me and I want to leverage that. So in her first week, she is already helping me refine SOP’s!
Recognize AND Coach on the Spot
When things have been done properly, make sure to give them recognition and respect!
After Cloud sent me her Weekly Summary, I dropped her a quick video to thank her for the week’s hard work as you can see below.
Throughout the week, any errors I immediately coached on the spot. Fix those before they turn into habits and set clear expectations for the future.
I hope this was helpful! If you don’t have a VA yet, you’re going to love it as it’s a game-changer!


#RingTheBell ringing the bell today because I’ve finished completing most of my assets and funnel. I broke my hand on Wednesday so unfortunately I didn’t get to complete my VSL for my deadline tonight, but will get it done tomorrow.
I onboard 4 new clients in the last 10 days too so it’s been an eventful week all round.
A wise would word to anyone new joining the program, don’t skip any of the modules or lectures, it will come back to bite you:) I’m glad I’m back on track and looking forward to hiring my VA!


#RingTheBell I’m excited to share that I closed my first case study account in the Realtor Market. The client is in the top 1% of Berkshire Hathaway Realtors in CO. We’ll be getting them more booked appointments so they can get more listings and buyers. Of course in this market, listings is where it’s at. The deal is worth $24k ARR. I’m really looking forward to building out our second case study here. #Steady wins the race (The Slight Edge Book).