1,106+ Wins From
Our Best Clients

We’re obsessed with helping our clients get real, tangible, and measurable results that grow their business.

All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results.  Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.


One more came through! 4.5k paid in full. From IG


I’ve had my best week yet, implementing the things you guys have said with my offer and how to do the calls a bit better.
My best week before this was about 5k or 6k.
This week I’ll bring in 11.5K for the week, which would be my best run rate.


Hey @Joe Mann wanted to share a win. We spoke once with Ravi about doing a 1:1 offer for the ascension program, and I was able to close a client today on that. More than doubling LTV, thanks!


Had 5 more sales come in the past few days, including the one for $6k! So far in August $31,000 revenue, and $26,000 cash collected! Lets goo :eyes: :muscle::skin-tone-3:


@Tyler Sutley Happy Monday! Andy Elliott just posted a podcast with Scotty and it’s been a great return so far, about 20 – 25 people have joined to far! The organic has been kind of put on the back burner since Scotty is trying to close some high-ticket sales and can’t really focus on anything but that at the moment.


3 k pif first vsl call


Just update
First day getting a full day of calls
Still running dm ads
I’m getting calls booked with women
2 calls booked with women off $100 spend
Closed 1 $2000
1 call today from dm ads – previous ad (no show) lol
Tomorrow – 1 booked call w the vsl. Will see how the lead is


$18.5K Cash Collected


@Joe Mann
I’ve been mia but wanted to give you an update.
Finished July with $113k rev / $90k cash. 8 days into August we’re at $42k rev / $27k cash. 48 booked calls so far this week, only 1 no show. $28/booked call. That’s great but the best part is my team is coming together. we have documented processes for most everything and several integrations automating a ton. We’re rocking as a team in asana and I’m finding it easier to delegate tasks to them.


Hey @Chung Tang thanks for checking in! So far, we’re at 2 people closed, and 41 leads from last Friday (relaunch) to yesterday.
CPLs have been dropping day-over-day as Meta has optimized. More people in the pipeline.
20 appoints booked
14 showed
2 sold
$3,833 collected
$4,833 Revenue
Since last Friday.
Yesterday and today were around $10 CPL


First win is in the books: our new closer which I told you @Taylan about just closed his second call for €5500 with cash collected €2750. We raised the price with +€2k since this week for the same offer: and it seems to be working
Aka: its looking good .. can’t wait for paid ads to launch 😁 ✅


Oh cool to hear! That would be better I think too. Anyway my investment in SWS was really worth it and I’m really happy to be here, I would never have been able to move so quick forward on my own.


First booked call!


Hey @channel & @Taylan I wanted to chime in to let you know our nurture sequence for someone we met with months ago hit them at the right time and in about 4 days, we got awarded a large budget project!
Which is incredible, things have also been warming up on some other lead channels as well which is super exciting!


@Joe Mann Yes, we closed 3 deals last Friday as part of the SWS VSL Ad


Whats up man! just closed one of the prospects that were in follow up, $5k PIF! :muscle::skin-tone-3: Got a couple more that working on getting across the line


Kevin: just closed another $10k full pay!
Kevin: $24k collected since the Mastermind 10 days ago :money_mouth_face:


We did an OTO where we basically sent out to list of people that have signed up for a call that we are opening some spots up for coaching, I think we immediately booked 16 calls and filled up closers calendar


@Joe Mann
perhaps in the future, right now we are crushing it we got the affirm approved and had a $30k day today on the first day using affirm haha, have a new closer onboarding and still interviewing for that CSD and also launching my webinar on Wednesday, I project we are going to have our biggest month ever this month, $500k+


Wanted to thank you, I now know how to manage my finances better. And, client success will be stronger now too :raised_hands::skin-tone-3: