How To Market A Marketing Agency [Do What You Do Best!]

There will be about 88,225 advertising agencies in the US in 2023. The competition is increasing day by day. 

Clients have the option of choosing from a plethora of marketing and advertising agencies.

So why would they choose your marketing agency?

Even if you’ve got clear backing on your ‘why,’ things don’t end here. 

Marketing a marketing company is crucial for winning the trust of prospects.

You must market your agency and its services as you do for your clients. It’ll develop you as a thought leader in the industry and increase your chances of finding more prospects.

But how to market a marketing agency? In this blog post, you’ll learn several ways of marketing your agency like a pro marketer. 

We have also sprinkled marketing tips for marketing agencies here and there, along with a few examples, so that you understand concepts with context.

Allocate Your Time & Resources: Marketing Your Marketing Agency

As marketers, you might be busy creating conversion-friendly campaigns or writing ad copies for clients. But who’s looking after your agency’s website blogs, social media posts, or advertising?

It’s understandable that you get stuck with the client’s fulfillment. But you can’t ignore marketing a marketing company, especially if it’s yours. It would help if you learned how to market your marketing agency, not only because it’s required but also because it’ll set you on a path to long-term success.

There might be social media channels to handle or that marketing strategy that still needs execution. Here’s how you do it (an example): 

  • Start looking at your marketing agency as a record of clients
  • Hire a talented team of people for inbound marketing
  • Ensure this team of people aligns with the brand’s values and understand your ‘why.’
marketing agency promotion

Promoting A Marketing Agency Starts With Goals

You must define and outline goals and strategies for your marketing company. Before that, you must find out what your audience persona is. Some goals and why you’re learning how to market your marketing agency:

  • To establish thought leadership in the industry
  • To increase your brand’s awareness
  • To generate leads and become a trustable company
  • To shorten the sales cycle.

These goals aren’t exhaustive. And your marketing can have more than one goal, of course. 

Our point is: you must define and outline your goals so that you know precisely why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Brainstorm Your Marketing Strategy & Tactics

One of the most effective marketing tips for marketing agencies is brainstorming.

Before you can develop a plan for marketing your marketing agency, you must create an audience persona. To do that, ask yourself (and be specific with the answers):

  • Who are the people that’ll be buying your services?
  • What do they do?
  • What are their interests and pain points? 

Another method to develop your marketing strategy is to do a SWOT analysis of your company. This technique helps you evaluate your strengths, find out weaknesses, explore opportunities, and eliminate threats.

Also, your marketing team can help you brainstorm your marketing strategy. You should encourage your team members to put their thoughts forward while ensuring it aligns with brand values and guidelines. Then, list marketing strategies you want to try and start executing after prioritizing them.

Marketing a marketing company is a never-ending task. And so, you should also set metrics and KPIs to measure progress to ensure you’re in the right direction.

Develop Processes To Manage Client Workload & Internal Workflows

One of the biggest challenges companies face is managing the client workload with the internal workload. Unless you’ve got a team of thousands, you’ll relate to this universal problem.

Putting forward your internal projects before clients is a challenging thing to do. But here’s the deal: the struggle arises when you think one is more important than the other when it’s all about balance.

Simply put, ensure your digital marketing firm has a dedicated team to manage the internal workload such as:

  • Writing and publishing blog posts on the company website
  • Shooting and editing videos for the company’s YouTube channel
  • Ensuring company website pages are up to date
  • Sending company newsletters to subscribers.

While these tasks aren’t urgent, they’re vital to growing your marketing agency and generating more revenue. You must take time to develop processes and workflows that eventually help marketing a marketing company.

marketing agency

How To Market A Marketing Agency: 13 Actionable Ways

1. Gather Client Testimonials

Client testimonials are the social proof that your company can help to build trust and gain more clients. 

Think of it this way: before using any product or service from a company, you’d want to know how reliable they’re. For that, you’ll read reviews and testimonials of the company’s past clients. If the overall testimonial tone is positive, you get more inclined to use that particular service or product.

The gist is that, as humans, we trust each other for growth.

2. Draw Case Studies

Case studies are detailed accounts of past clients and how your company has helped them overcome a particular challenge.

Since case studies are on real businesses, people are more likely to trust you with the results. Use case studies in your marketing copy, such as in your newsletters.

At Scaling With Systems, we have a dedicated page on our site with in-depth case studies.

case studies for marketing agency

3. Get Certificates & Industry Awards

When you get recognized by a third party or are awarded for your services, it’s an immediate stamp of trustworthiness. Your prospects acknowledge that you’re capable of doing marketing for their companies. 

The cool part? Awards are a free way of marketing a marketing company as these organizations list and link the winners on their websites.

4. Be Quoted By Media Press & Blogs

When big media or popular blogs quote you, your agency’s reputation can transform overnight. It happens because that particular media or blog has gathered a fan following that trusts them. And when they publish about you, their fans will likely check you out.

5. Have Thought Leaders As Employees

While hiring Neil Patel to work for your marketing company may not be possible, having a thought leader as an employee pays off. You bring the trust and credibility associated with that person to your agency. They can be a blogger or an industry expert willing to work with you.

6. Speaking Gig Opportunities

You can speak at local conferences, events, or universities for marketing a marketing company. But remember that you know the subject matter on which you’ll speak. If the audience feels connected with you in the event, they’re likely to check out your company.

7. Website Design, Structure & Functionality

Here’s another great way how to market a marketing agency: your website. Too many marketing agencies put little effort into maintaining their website. Since a website is a virtual home for your business, it affects efforts in marketing a marketing company.

A well-designed, structured, and functional website will inculcate a sense of credibility and show clients that you can take care of your ‘home.’

8. Write CEO, Executive, or Company Blog

If you want to promote a marketing agency, start writing and publishing blogs on your website. Blogging is a marketing strategy that takes work but gives you an impressive ROI.

You can use the blog to:

  • Impart your philosophy in the industry
  • Pose yourself as a thought leader in the industry
  • Increase customer engagement with your brand.

9. Contribute To Industry Publications

When your content piece gets published in other industry publications, you get a boost in credibility. Also, contributing to other websites allows you to show your expertise and build relationships with the publication.

For example, suppose you want to promote a marketing agency. You pitch to HubSpot and negotiate your way. Then you write a well-researched article showcasing your expertise and send it for publishing.

You get two significant benefits:

  • Brand exposure
  • Boost in SEO (since you’ll be getting a backlink to your website).

10. Leverage Digital Advertising

You can always use digital ads to reach out to the place where your audience hangs out. Plus, it’s an excellent way for marketing a marketing agency since you can laser-target your ads. For instance, Facebook Ads allow you to retarget your audience, which helps you increase your ROI.

Here’s the deal breaker though: running ads can be expensive. So, ensure you hire excellent copywriters to write conversion-friendly copy for those ads.

11. Sponsoring Conferences

Another great way to learn how to market a marketing company is by sponsoring. You can sponsor conferences, local events, or events in your region. 

Your company logo and name gets prominently displayed during the event. Also, it opens new doors for networking with other experts.

To increase the ROI, ensure you sponsor conferences closely related to your niche or industry. 

12. Work On Search Engine Visibility

Search engines are one of the most significant help in promoting a marketing agency. How so?

When people search for a query, and if your website comes up in the top results, fulfilling the search intent, they’re likely to remember you. After some similar interactions, they might become your subscriber too.

But search engine visibility comes with search engine optimization (SEO). And SEO is a long-term game that’ll skyrocket your brand. People start perceiving your brand as trustworthy and helpful. 

13. Focus On Brand Message, Identity, and Logo

They say design is the silent language of your brand. And it’s rightly so because it fosters those “feelings” in your prospects. 

When you market your company, your branding goes to people’s subconscious minds. It helps them recall you when they “feel” the same again. In its essence, a brand is the promise kept to your customers.

FAQs: How To Market A Marketing Agency

What makes a successful marketing company?

A successful marketing company can promote its client’s services or products while ensuring marketing their company. It gets seen as a trustable brand and an authority in the industry. Also, a successful marketing company focuses on bringing results and strives to maintain good relationships with its clients.

What are the four types of services in marketing?

Product-based, customer-based, market-based, and value-based services are four marketing industry types. These services are different activities and methodologies marketers use to promote their client’s brands.

What type of company is a marketing agency?

A marketing agency provides marketing-related services to clients. It can be a boutique firm or a huge company servicing global giants. Some examples of marketing agencies include advertising agencies, digital marketing agencies, branding & design agencies, and PR agencies.

Conclusion: How To Market A Marketing Company

There you have it — some of the best ways to market a marketing company. While it may not seem like a pressing issue initially, setting your marketing company apart from the competition will help you in the long term. 

So, invest your time and resources in marketing your company while doing your clients. The result? You get established as a credible and authoritative brand in the industry with a consistent influx of leads.

If your marketing agency needs help finding consistent leads, we’ve got the solution. At Scaling With Systems, we build client acquisition frameworks that bring new leads to business consistently.

Our method is time-tested and gets regularly updated as the industry verticals change. 

We’ve helped hundreds of businesses to increase their revenue by six and seven figures. Book your free call now, and one of our advisors will discuss to figure out the best path for you.

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