Systems Make Profit

How This Facebook Ads Coach Tripled His Business in 30 Days

All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results.  Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.

$ 0

Cash Collected in 1 Week

Qualified Leads Per Day

How We Helped John Scale And Triple His Business In Just 30 Days

Now I don’t have to worry about client delivery, I can focus on sales, and so I’m learning new high-ticket sales skills and that has been exciting for me. I’m more energized to keep selling this offer.– John Smith

Systems Make Profit


What does your company do?

We help business owners learn how to run their own ads. A lot of our clients have been screwed over by agencies so our main goal is to teach them how to effectively run ads themselves. 

Where were you before Scaling With Systems? 

I came in with one offer. I was helping podiatrists scale their businesses with Google search ads and I was having a hard time doing that. So I hired you guys because I needed more leads, that was my problem, I wasn’t getting booked appointments, I wasn’t getting leads, they were very pricey.

I had a number of clients, but I just couldn’t get consistent clients coming in  just because of how small the audience is. I was just having a hard time getting people to pay a price point that would make sense for me to do it.

How did you find Scaling With Systems, and what made you decide to work with us? 

I saw a random post about the Remote Integrator Academy on a Facebook group and somebody was talking about your sales page for that and it sounded kind of cool. I went to check it out and I signed up for that program, and I’ve been in most of your programs since then.

What did you immediately recognize that needed fixing inside your business?

The main thing that needed fixing was our offer. Initially the selling part was easy because our offer was that our clients didn’t have to pay a monthly fee, I would just get a cut if I perform. I decided to take on clients other than podiatrists, but then every client I had was a different business, a different offer, so it was hard to scale and performance across all the clients was suffering. It was also hard to bring somebody in to do all the things I was doing, since I was basically in charge of it all.

What were some big wins that occurred inside your business once we identified these problems?

The team rallied and realized that we needed to shift direction. You came in, you wrote my ad copy, you wrote my VSLs, you edited them, just that alone, you guys are better and your copy was solid. Within a week we had a new offer up, everything up and launched and I immediately started to close deals. It was a lead generation, booked appointment machine just like you promised. The team has helped me build and systemize all my backend and it’s exciting to see that. 

Since all of our processes have been refined and optimized, it’s now a very deliverable packaged system and has drastically reduced my work on the delivery end. I’m now able to focus almost entirely on sales and have been refining my skill in high-ticket sales. The sales call reviews are also incredibly valuable as I’m able to learn directly from Ravi and his team. I’m still probably working as much as I was before but now it’s more fun.

What are some “Before & After” results in tangible metrics you experienced in your business from working with us?

I started getting a ton of leads for about $18 a lead. I had about 10 qualified leads and 2-3 booked calls a day and was able to fill my calendar. I just started a new offer about 6 weeks ago and just signed 6 clients. 

I closed 3 deals in a week, signed and paid, that’s $14,000 and $4,000 in cash collected.

What would you say to someone considering working with Scaling With Systems?

It’s a no-brainer. I actually tell this to people all the time that I’ve got a number of friends who are entrepreneurs and I’m like, dude you guys are just idiots for not signing up with Ravi. Like you’re one of the people online who delivers exactly what you say you’re gonna do, in fact I would say overdeliver. I joined because of the ad, the marketing part, but then the rest of the course and the rest of the support has really just over delivered beyond my expectation. If you have a business you want to scale, you just have to sign up with SWS, if you don’t you’re just wasting money or time or probably both.

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