1,106+ Wins From
Our Best Clients

We’re obsessed with helping our clients get real, tangible, and measurable results that grow their business.

All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results.  Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.


2 sales from ads today with $7k in cash collected ! 25.8k collected in the last 30 days • • let’s gooo


had to jump off but just closed another deal! 3k paid in full. Just hit $37k in revenue, 20k CC this month! This stuff works! thank you sir!


Check out the lead sources 🤩 loving the diary this week and we’re only day 1 into the week!


Closed another deal from Ads! $3k + 97/m. $1,000 cash collected :champagne::raised_hands::skin-tone-3:
I could get used to this! Hah:saluting_face::moneybag:
This was a new lead from the old ads. We had them off, but I decided to turn them on in the meantime while the new ones ramp up with the changes.


@Joe Mann What’s up Joe, starting the week with another sale from ads! $4k sale paid in full +97/m. Had our first sales call a month ago and didn’t close because of a timing issue, but we got it sorted out on the follow up :raised_hands::skin-tone-3:
Really stoked man, 9 sales so far this month, lets make it 10!


We’re in Scaling School and couldn’t be more happy! This is seriously the best most real life put it into your business community we’ve ever been a part of. Content is also 🔥


Scaling School is AWESOME!
Just wanted to thank Ravi and the team for putting together an awesome community and resources. Love the step by step tutorials and trainings!
Literally implementing everything as I go… already hired and executive assistant and holy cow! GAME CHANGER!


3 demos closed today from cold outbound, $9500 cash collected. @channel thank you guys for the support and help, I’ve never collected cash on the phone before and today I did 3, all about confidence. Once these systems are dialed in in a few weeks, we can attribute us scaling to the moon thanks to you guys. Truly,
thank you


Another sale @Joe Mann, 2 in one day, both cash collected and agreement signed over phone!!!
you guys are the best!


@Joe Mann
What’s up Joe! Wanted to let you know I closed another deal from the new Ads! :moneybag: The sale was at $4,000 broken up over 3 months + 97/m. $1,333 collected to start. This is the one I had collected the $400 deposit last week.
With the new ads you set up for me I’ve spent $1,354 and have made $12k in revenue and $6.66 in cash collected in less than 2 weeks. Which is amazing!
Also excited to have the recurring revenue on the back end of the program, and the way it has been positioned in the offer makes a lot of sense for people. Thank you for all your help :pray::skin-tone-4:


Hey Tyler, how are you? Record week for us, we are grinding. I haven’t had the chance to prepare what Chung suggested. But I am shifting YT content.


I did see the response and made the updates and already started getting more booked calls. You guys are really good at what you do! Love it, love it!


Hey Chung, thanks. Juan signed up for 4 remote testimonials at $4k – so thanks so much for the referral!


39% close rate, last 2 weeks were record weeks
6.78k & 6.82k Cash


Quick First Win Update [Member Method]
Hey guys,
Just a quick update on my progress inside the Member Method, just launched my minimum viable community a few days ago and have just got my first paying member!


Closed the second client today (In person meeting)


@Joe Mann
Just closed another deal from the new ads as well! $4,000 broken up in 3 months with $97/m membership after 90 days! $1,333 collected on the call :raised_hands::skin-tone-3: :champagne: lets goooo!


@Joe Mann
What’s up Joe! Closed another deal yesterday from the new ads! $4,000 paid in full, with $97/m membership after 90 days! :raised_hands::skin-tone-3: :champagne:


@Joe Mann
Closed another deal from ads! it was the guy I had a call with back in December, and he came back after watching the new VSL. Structured a payment plan for him because he didn’t have lots of funds till next month. $500 collected, another $500 next week, then $1,500 for the next 2 months.