Freedom Funders

How This Funding Company Made $640k In 3 Months

All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results.  Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.

$ 0

in 3 Months


Cost Per Call From $360

How We Helped Colin’s Funding Company Grow to $640k In 3 Months Through Proven Systems And Processes

“You guys share the same funnels, the same methods, you practice everything you’re preaching and you share those things with us so we don’t have to go out and test with our own money.– Colin Dedely

Freedom Funders


What does your company do?

We serve business owners, entrepreneurs, and investors. We help them gain access to $50,000 or more in capital to either start their brand new business, scale an existing business, or to invest for cash flow.

Where were you before Scaling With Systems? 

At the time I was coaching around 5-10 people a month, then about Sept 2023 both my kids started school so I found myself with a lot more time so I wanted to take on more people. I got some closes on board but was struggling to fill my calendar, so client acquisition was the bottleneck at that point.

How did you find Scaling With Systems, and what made you decide to work with us? 

I started seeing Ravi’s ads about 2 years ago, and I decided to join Scaling With Systems to refine our client acquisition system and to book more calls predictably and cheaper.

What did you immediately recognize that needed fixing inside your business?

The first thing we needed to fix was the client acquisition system. Right out the gate, really what was worth it was seeing how an 8-figure business operates, how you guys handle your client acquisition. You guys share the same funnels, the same methods, you practice everything you’re preaching and you share those things with us so we don’t have to go out and test with our own money. We could basically use something that’s already been proven so that was huge.

Getting the 5k script that your team wrote for me, we’re still running that ad and it’s been like 8 months and it’s not very often I have a creative that lasts more than 3 months.

What were some big wins that occurred inside your business once we identified these problems?

The client success team has been phenomenal. I remember on my first calls thinking, wow I need somebody like that on my team. Especially moving into Initiative, the bigger bottleneck now is we’re booking all these calls, we’re onboarding more people than ever, how do we deliver a great customer experience to them now that we’re handling so much more people, so much more files, how do we make sure the system doesn’t break?

And that’s really what Initiative has been helping us with is streamlining our onboarding process. Joe has really helped us with that, making sure our clients actually show up to the call with their credit report, it’s something we struggled with a lot and a lot of time was previously wasted. We were able to make a form together and build out a system to make sure that everyone comes to the call prepared. I feel that your team is available to me at any time and that my problems are their problems, that they’re just here to help us.

What are some “Before & After” results in tangible metrics you experienced in your business from working with us?

When I started I was at around $360 cost per call, and by the end of the SWS program we were booking calls for about half as much, for about $160 per call.

What would you say to someone considering working with Scaling With Systems?

The proof is there, you know Scaling With Systems works. Whether or not you’re joining probably says more about you than it does about them. Maybe you’re afraid to take a bet on yourself because if you’re making money and you’re a business owner, and you’re going to a new destination, 100k, 500k, Million dollar months. Whenever you go to a new destination it’s pretty useful to talk to somebody who’s already been there, they could tell you where to stay away from, where to go, and they could save you a lot of time. Same thing here, is like when you’re hiring a business coach that’s currently where you want to be, they can easily save you that time and show you where to go and where not to go. So really just take a chance on yourself, because ultimately many of these programs, you’re going to get out of it what you put into it, so take that bet on yourself and join the program.

Case Study Colin

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