Ben To The Right

From $2,500/Month To $177,000/Month In Just 6 Months

All testimonials on this page are from real clients. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results.  Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.

$ 0

Made In Just 6 Months


Reached Within 6 Months

How We Helped Benjamin Scale His Systems To Go From $2,500/Month To Now Hitting Over $2,000,000 Annually, Within Just 6 Months.

“I can tell you, if you’re interested in this work – take a leap of faith – working with Scaling With Systems will be good for you!” – Benjamin Ong

About Ben To The Right

Benjamin’s company helps B2C sales professionals sell better through positioning and framing strategies.

Industry: B2C Sales
Offer: Online programs to coach financial professionals to sell their services better.

Before Working With Scaling With Systems

Benjamin Ong’s coaching business helps financial advisors sell their services. He coaches them to go from $0 to 6 figures in less than a year.

Although his clients saw returns through his program, he wasn’t making the money Benjamin wanted. He was making around $2,500/month on average.

He was mostly getting referrals from social media, but found it very hard to book appointments. He came to us wanting a scalable strategy to get new clients. 

Benjamin had tried some other courses, but nothing helped him grow until he found Scaling With Systems.

Working With Scaling With Systems

The first thing we helped Benjamin with was finding a new way to reach out to potential clients and book appointments for these prospects. We set him up with a virtual assistant that could take over these tasks.

After Working With Scaling With Systems

Benjamin went from only getting one appointment a week, to getting 8 appointments (and more) consistently each week. With that, his client list went from only 7 people, to now over 60. 

He went from making $2,500/month to now making $177,000/month. This all happened within 6 months. He has the systems in place to keep growing past this annual income of more than $2,000,000. The sky’s the limit for Benjamin’s company.

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